How to get an affiliate code

Here is how to get a code to start receiving commission on sales you have referred.

Step 1: Click here to sign up for E-Junkie

Step 2: Make sure you are on the Affiliates Tab and register

Step 2


Step 3: Once you are registered and logged in. Make sure you are still under the Affiliates Tab and click Get Affiliate Code

Step 3

Step 4: Click on the drop down menu to ensure Army Board Guidance is selected. Then click on Get Affiliate Code.

Step 4

Step 5: Copy the text inside the first set of quotation marks (For example: “”) and link it to the pictures posted on the page I have listed here. (Recommended)

Use the entire text in the yellow box if you would like advertise using the text “Click Here to Visit Army Board Guidance”

Step 5

Using the steps above will allow you to send traffic to purchase The Board Bible and receive a 30% commission.